About Me

I'm currently a student from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati. I love coding and enjoy building websites.

  • B.Tech.
    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 2019-Present
  • Senior Secondary
    Narayana Junior College, 2019
  • Secondary
    Bhashyam Public School, 2017
  • Blog Website
  • Porfolio Website
    HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Flappy Bird
  • Calculator
    Android Development
  • Programming Languages
    C, C++, Python, Javascript
  • Web Development
    HTML, CSS, Django
  • App Development
    Android Development
  • Database
  • Operating Systems
    Windows, Linux



C, C++, Python, Javascript

Web Development

HTML, CSS, Django

App Development

Android Development




Blog Website

Fully functional blog website deveoped using Django with complex features that include Login/Sign Up page, Post Categories, User Authentication, User Profile, Edit User credentials, Comment section, Like/Unlike. Github project repository and deployed Website links are provided below.

Portfolio Website

Developed my personal Porfolio website using HTML, CSS. Included amazing animations like hover effect, complex feature include contact me form. Github project repository and deployed Website links are provided below.

Flappy Bird

Developed a very well known classic game using Pygame. Complex features include Gravity setting, Collision detection, Score, and Restart button. Github project repository link is provided below.

Calculator App

Developed a calculator using Android development on Android Studio. App is very well constrained, so it works on any screen size Github project repository link is provided below.